Thursday, February 12, 2009

Two Announcements!

1) Tasting Workshop: American Artisanal Cheeses: Tuesday, Feb. 24 at 7:00

Get the idea of Kraft singles out of your head! America has a lot to offer when it comes to artisanal cheeses. And we'll taste our way through some of the best. Join us at Katzinger’s Delicatessen for an education into American cheesemaking. The workshop will be co-taught by Arlene, a Slow Food Columbus member and soon to be cheese apprentice, and Wendy, a self-described cheesemonger and manager of Katzinger’s retail and specialty foods. They will lead us through Cheddar, Blue, Washed Rind, Natural Rind and Bloomy Rind cheeses. We'll learn how ordinary milk—combined with just the right amount of science and magic—is transformed into the cheeses that have been loved and savored throughout history. To complement the cheeses, Arlene and Wendy chose a couple of beers from Columbus’ own Elevator brew pub. They will also have answers to many of our most difficult cheesy questions: Is the rind edible? How do I arrange a good cheese plate? Which cheeses should I use for cooking/baking? What is so “slow food” about cheese anyway?

Visit the Slow Food Columbus website for more info and to register for the tasting!
Hope to see you there!

2) I'm hosting a party at my home before I leave and you're invited!

Whether we're old friends or new acquaintances, or even if you've never met me before--I want to see every one of you before I leave to go to the farm. Because once I will be me and the goats for an awfully long, lonely time.

I'm leaving March first to be an apprentice on a goat farm and make cheese in the great big state of Maine. And I hope you'll join me at my house Friday Feb. 27 for a huge party!

Paper City Cabaret will perform LIVE in my living room! We'll have a bon fire out back and games in the basement. I'll be serving up El Chupacabra shots and my very own creation, The Blue Nubian! All Night Long! last tiny little thing to mention. The apprenticeship doesn't pay too well and I've been trying hard to save, but unfortunately, I'm falling short on cash. If you really want to give me a going away present, please donate to my Goat-Fund. There will be a donation jar at the door if you're feeling generous. :) Any contribution is very dearly appreciated. But please don't feel obligated.

Friday, Feb. 27
2434 Woodstock Rd.
Columbus, OH