Saturday, June 14, 2008

Show Goats (and a short PSA)

The National Dairy Goat Show is in Louisville, KY this year--a 3 1/2 hour drive from Columbus--so I'm going! I don't have any goats, but I assume that it's open to the public. I can't hang out for the whole week, but a couple days of goat-filled activities sounds great! My plan is to attend the Sunday afternoon Toggenburg and Recorded Grade junior show, then stay through Monday for Senior Toggs, Senior Recorded Grade, Oberhasli Milk Out and junior show and Saanen Milk Out and junior show.
I think I'm going to learn a lot. At this point, I don't even know what they mean by "milk out." And what is a Recorded Grade...I should probably look that up...

...Recorded Grade: Does who do not qualify for either the Purebred or American herd books (
So a doe may be considered either Native on Performance (if she attains the status of a star milker) or Native on Appearance (if she meets a specific breed standard.)
Excellent! I'm looking forward to the National Show, which is July 12 - 18....coming up soon!

And a final thought for today...a quick public service announcement from yours truly...
There has been a lot of press on the current nationwide Salmonella scare with tomatoes. Sadly, it seems the local media in this area at least, are not suggesting the most obvious way to protect yourself...BUY IT LOCAL! Of course if you're getting your food off the conveyor belt from some place in California or Mexico, you have no idea where it's been or what has been done with it. I've been really annoyed visiting Giant Eagle this week and seeing the produce section lined with strawberries from -- California???!! So expensive! They don't even taste like strawberries. Buy it local and you can ask the person who grew it where it's been and if they've used any chemicals or pesticides. lists state by state and county by county places to pick your own produce straight outta the field.

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