Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Olde Oak Farm

I'm very happy to announce that I'll be a member of Team Cheese! at Olde Oak Farm come March, 2009. I made the decision based on several factors. A big consideration was where in their evolution the farm and cheese makers are. Olde Oak farm is still growing. Jen and Scott have big ideas and are excited to try new things. I'll need to be flexible and creative when starting up my own farm and these will be invaluable lessons to learn. I also felt more of a connection with Jen and Scott and Nate, and that's also important for me because I'll be working so closely with them for the time that I'm in Maine. That said, I know I'll miss out on Caitlin's years and years of experience as a cheese maker, and I'm hoping to get another chance to visit her at Appleton Creamery next year.

And check it out! Olde Oak Farm was featured in the Bangor Daily news yesterday! What excellent timing, don't you think? Go read it!


  1. I second Nate's enthusiasm. Everytime I bring one of the ladies out for alittle love with Mr. Ody and then do the math for twins, triplets and quads I say, "woo hoo Arlene is coming for kidding!!!"
