Mmmm! Can you taste it? The sweet taste of success! Kefir is actually very simple to make...but somehow I botched the first batch. I left it sit out too long and it separated into curds and whey, which is still drinkable according to my dealer. But I was unhappy with it. I want my kefir to be smooth like runny yogurt.
My method: I poured 1 pint of milk over 1 tbsp. kefir grains in a 1 litter glass jar with lid. I found the jar by chance at a yard sale for $1 the previous weekend. I used skim milk because it was all they had left at the greener grocer last weekend. (I hear it works well with any milk.) I sat the jar on a shelf in my basement for just about 24 hours. The basement is good because the temperature stays very regulated...not too warm, not chilly. I checked it at 12 or 14 hours and it was just getting into the slimy phase. So I left it there over night and by morning it was ready to go! I blend 4 to 5 oz. of kefir with a frozen banana, some honey and a bit of fresh peach slices. Delicious breakfast!

My kefir dealer gave me this website on her instruction sheet. It's helpful, but I must say this guy is a bit more kefir-crazed than I am.