Thursday, August 14, 2008


It's mid-August and the summer should be winding down. Kids are headed back to school soon...but my summer is only getting busier as autumn approaches!

Saturday, I'm stopping by the Clintonville farmer's market to pick up some *free* kefir grains from a girl who has spent her summer working at Flying J farm. I tried out some store-bought kefir last week and really enjoyed it as a base for a fruit smoothie! Just add 4 to 6 oz. of kefir with a frozen banana and any other bits of fruit you may have sitting around. Blend and Enjoy!!

What is kefir? you ask...well kefir is basically fermented milk. The kefir grains are a mixture of good bacteria and yeasts.

Just add kefir grains to some milk and let it sit out in a nice, warm place for 12 to 24 hours. And ta-da! Kefir!!

Aside from my great kefir experiment, I am also in the process of contacting the farmers in Maine that I have applied to work for through MOFGA. My plan is to go to work on a dairy goat farm in April, 2009 - September/October, 2009. I've turned in my MOFGA application and had it forwarded to 4 dairy goat farms in Maine. Later in September, I'm planning a vacation/road trip to Maine in order to meet some of these farmers and do a little camping at Acadia. I'll keep it posted little dairy goat adventure!

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