Friday, November 21, 2008

Fun Photos!

Slow Food Columbus did a tour of Athens, Ohio a few weekends ago. We had a great time at Green Edge learning about fungi in the mushroom house, snacking on sprouts, and touring their farm. If you click on Athens Hills CSA in my blog list, that's their website. They have a great winter CSA you can sign up for!

Oyster Mushrooms at Green Edge Gardens.

Sunflower Sprouts in the greenhouse at Green Edge.

This is Nate. We'll be working together in March. Hi Nate! I stole this picture from facebook. :)


  1. Arlene it's Amy (Amy T's friend). I just stumbled onto your blog and this is fabulous! Have you read "Slow Food Nation" If you haven't, tt's a great one along with all the Pollan books! I'm so jealous, this endeavor looks awesome!

  2. Arlenes,
    Just stumbled on this by way of facebook, amazing! that is so cool what you are doing. hope all is well.
